You can set up an oral examination under the tab “Oral examination”
There are 4 options on the tab Oral examination, where the first option needs to be kept on if the exam does not have oral examination. The 3 others are as following:
- Students are assigned predefined timeslots, which is the more advanced way of making an exams plan
- Students are examined in order
- Exam plan is loaded via the integration but can be changed manually
Predefined slots
This option contains the possiblity to create an exam plan with predefined slots
NOTE: If you have started to create an exam plan with "predefined slots", the data will be deleted if you start over with a different choice
This option is used if the students don’t have individually exam times but have to attend exam in order/sequentially
NOTE: If you have started to create an exam plan with "Order" the data will be deleted if you start over with a different choice
Data via integration
This option is selected if the institution wishes to plan in another system and wants DE to receive the exam times via a web service. Exam times that are send with the integration will, however, be able to be overwritten manually in Digital Exam